Vape Education

"8 Common Mistakes Frequently Made by Vapers"


Vaping has become a super popular trend among youngsters these days. It's not just an alternative for those looking to quit smoking tobacco, but also a lifestyle. However, as with anything, small mistakes often occur. Here are the 8 common mistakes that young vapers often make, and some tips to avoid them.

1. Overcharging the Pod

One of the first mistakes beginner vapers often make is overcharging their pod. Even though pod technology has made leaps and bounds, overcharging it can damage the battery and even influence the taste of the liquid you're using. Make sure to read your pod instructions and avoid charging it all night.

2. Overcharging the Battery

This one's a frequent boo-boo and can take a toll on battery performance. Many young vapers like to leave their batteries plugged in all night. This can cause the battery to get too hot and shorten its lifespan. Better to always make sure to unplug the charger as soon as the battery is full.

3. Immediately Inhaling after Filling New Cartridges

When you change cartridges, make sure to give it some time to soak in. Rushing it can make the wicking material inside the cartridge less effective, and you might end up with a less satisfactory flavor.

4. Wicking the Cotton Too Thin or Thick

It's crucial to ensure your cotton is in good shape. Cotton that's too thin can cause leaks, while too thick could obstruct the liquid flow. Try to find that perfect balance, so you can enjoy vaping comfortably.

5. Leaving Liquid Open for Too Long

Most young vapers have several types of favorite liquids . However, if you leave the liquid bottle open for a long time, the liquid can oxidize, changing its taste and scent. Make sure to store your liquid properly and keep it away from direct sunlight.

6. Using Damaged Batteries

This mistake is a risky one. Using a faulty or damaged battery can lead to leaks or even explosions. Always regularly check your battery's condition, and replace it if you see signs of damage.

7. Leaving the Device On (Firing) Without Inhaling

When you're not puffing on your vaporizer, make sure to turn it off. Activating the vaporizer without inhaling simply heats the coil without an air flow, which can damage the coil and produce an unpleasant taste.

8. Ignoring Regular Maintenance

Last but not least, one often overlooked mistake is neglecting regular maintenance. Cleaning and taking care of your vaporizer regularly can extend its lifespan and ensure a better vaping experience.

So, if you're a young vaper, remember to avoid the above mistakes so you can continue to enjoy vaping safely and satisfactorily. Always take good care of your device and stay alert to any changes that might occur with your vaping. Happy vaping!

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